Surprise 3 way

Author: smoke4ya

Not long ago< I was at my girlfriend-s house and my cell phone rang. It was my best friend and before I could say anything, I realized he was whispering. He asked where I was and I told him. He said make up an excuse to get out and come over. A mutual friend of ours who's a state trooper (agorgeous one, at that)! was there and he said that she had always been curious about a 2 man 3-way. He said to just walk in because he would leave the door unlocked. I told my girl that his car had broken down on the other side of town and I was going to help him. On the drive over, I was imaginig what it was going to be like getting to fuck our lady friend, because, up to this point, I had never had the chance. Of course, when I got there, the front door was unlocked and I eased into the bedroom, where as walk in our friend had her back to me, sucking my friend's dick. I came up behind her and began fingering her wet pussy. It scared the hell out her, but, she recovered very well. Onec I found my way to her clit, she spread her legs so I could get to her. She had the biggest clit I have ever seen! She let out this deep moan while she was sucking his dick. My friend at this time, told me that she loved to get fucked in the ass as well. Of course, by now, my dick was standing at attention. Spreading that gorgeous apart, I began to Rub the head againstHer asshole, letting my pre cum lubricate it. I slowly began to push the head in, and felt her pushing herself slowly back on to me until she got used to it. At that point, I began to slowly fuck her ass until she was completely used to it. By then we had positioned her so my friend could have access to her pussy. She almost lost her mind with both our dick inside of her.Every time she came, we could both feel it. We never had the opportunity again, but I'll never forget it.

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