A Cock Tease

Author: jonandstacymouse

Every year we go to the biggest bike event in Missouri called SEMO. Thousands upon thousands of motorcycle owners show up for the custom Harleys, the motorcycle Rodeo, and the women.....of course at midnight the tittie contest. Stacy always takes several "slut outfits" as I call em to wear.
We were sitting in our camp when she emergered from the tent in a outfit that made my dick hard almost immediatately. She had on a very short black mini-skirt, and a black shear top. Underneath the top you could see most of her D-cup tits including her nipples that where stuffed in a black demi bra. The skirt was so short the you could plainly see the garterclips to her black garterbelt holding the black fishnet stockings up. She was wearing the highest strapped black heels I had ever saw her wear. Her make-up had been applied heavy and whorish. I looked at some of my friends that where sitting in camp. Each male had a bulge in there pants. "Man o man she looked good." I thought. "She's gonna find trouble tonight, thats for sure." As she slinked around our site, I noticed that she looked across the road from us where a group of guys were watching every move she made. She told me to watch her. She walked over to the other campsite into the middle of them. I saw flashbulbs going off. I stood up and watched my wife striking sexy poses on differant motorcycles as they flashed away with their cameras. This went on for about 10 to 20 minutes. I started to walk over when i heard her say. " I'm a very bad girl, I think i need a good spanking." and with that, she bent over a truck tailgate, pulled the skirt over her ass, exposing a pair of black panties. She reached back, pulled them over her ass, and slapped herself on the ass. "Who wants to spank me?" She asked while wiggling her ass. "I need a good spanking." One guy started towards her, when she straightened up, pulled her panties back up, and said." No, I don't think so." She pushed the skirt down, and walked back to where i was standing and then I escourted her back to our camp. I watched as a couple of the guys walked quickly into the woods for what i am sure was a private moment. I mentioned to her that she was a major tease, and she replied. "Damn right I am, and I'm gonna fuck your brains out later." Now take me for a ride on the Harley. I like making men's dicks hard."

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