A sexy Road Trip!

Author: bluelighting

I was dating this women a while back we had set it to go to the mall in birmingham that weeken.After we had been there and got and seen every thing late that night on the way home.We was going down the interstate talking and listening to the radio.She got in a real horny and exsiting mood.I tought i seen her moving around she was taking all her clothes off.She reached up and turned the rear view mirrow light on i looked over and she didnt have nothen on i said DAMIT it looked real sweet.She grabed my hand and put it on her pussy witch i started playing with it as she rubed her tits. She reached over and unziped my jeans and pulled it out started playing with it then layed down cross the seat with her ass in the window and started sucking it.After she done it for alittle bit she said get beside a big truck and give him a show.Be got beside one and i had glass tops she turn up where he could see her she was playing with herself.He blowed the horn and rolled the windowdown and was hauleren i want some.He got on the radio i guess because other drivers got around us trying to see.She turn around to me leting me play with her while she was playing with me.I had ahard time driving with that and all the trucks around us.They was trying all kinda ways to get beside us to see.Then she started pulling my jeans off and shoes and got between me and the sterenwheel and started riding it with one tit in my face licking on it with my head side ways to see where we was going.She was riding it Real slow feeling so good then got off after she cum and started sucking and jerking me off where it would be all over her face then got up in the window and was rubing it all over her face and her pussy where they could see.I had to get off the interstate to get away from them.But before we got back on we was on a back road we got out to get some more on the side and on the car to get it all out.It was the ride of my life the show and pleasure.It was very exsiting in alot of ways.

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