A "sexy/scarry" story you will NEVER see on a Medical reality show!!!

Author: rwatson

VERY few things in life..really scares the bejeebers out of me! Snakes come close..with maybe really really big nasty looking spiders following close behind.....but given a little advance warning that I may be facing these creatures....and I can deal with them...no problem!

But mention the words "SHARP MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS" and the words "GENITAL AREA" in the same sentence....and the next big "THUD" that you will hear...will be me...when I pass out and hit the floor! I honestly and truly have a tremendous amount of admiration and respect,...for those of you...that shave your "genital areas"! You are a much, much braver lot of people...than I will ever be!!

Now...there was a time...when this might not have been the case...I might have been convinced to "clear the forest" down there...just to be smooth and sexy. But after an experience I had, a few years ago...my "forrest" is now a "well protected area"....and will be, for some time to come..I can assure you!

It all started when I began to have these little sharp "burning sensations"....in my left lower abdominal area...whenever I would try to lift something very heavy. I never really gave it much thought...I'd lift....it would "burn"...I'd set the weight down....the burning would stop....no big deal.

Or so I thought....until one day...I went to lift something and what started out as a little "burn" suddenly felt like a muscle had just RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPEEEEDDDDD!!!!! Immediatley...I checked...and sure enough...there on my left side was a "protrusion" that had not been "protruding" before....it was official then....I had just got a hernia!!!

I went to the doctor....just to make sure....and he quickly concurred with my self diagnosis. He suggested that we schedule an appointment for surgery...to get it fixed as soon as possible. While I was going through my daily planner...trying to figure out when I could "pencil" this surgical visit in...many many months down the road...the doctor mentioned one other detail....that the "hernia" could become "encarcerated" and not only cause my colon to become blocked...but could possibly cut off the circulation to my genital area....and if left untreated....all of my "goodies" down there...could turn black and fall off!!! We made the appointment to do the surgery for the following week!!!!

I was informed that I would need to "Shave" in the area that they would be working....and so I agreed to do the job myself....before I came in at the appointed day and time. Which I did.

Unfortunately....while I was in the "prep room" the surgeon came in to once again explain the procedure to me and to "mark off his territory on my abdomen...with a magic marker. It was during this game of medical "show and tell"...that he informed me that I had not cleared nearly enough area to suit him.....EVERYTHING from the belly button to the knees HAD TO GO!!!! Talk about taking things to the extreme!!!

Since I really had no other choice in the matter...I consented to allow one of the "aids" come in and finish the job that I had started.
The surgeon closed the curtain and left...I relaxed as much as I could...considering that I was laying there basically naked...wearing a dress backwards....waiting for someone to come in and shave my balls...just so that someone else could cut a hole in my belly and sew my guts back together...Yeah..I was pretty relaxed.....considering all of that!!

That is....until the "AID" walked in!! She was a beautiful young girl from India that did not look like she could not possibly be old enough to be working there!!!!! She spoke very timidly..in broken english...that she was there to "prepare" me for surgery.

She told me to lie back...which I did....then I felt her begin to roll up the front of my gown, exposing my genital area....which I began to find strangely erotic!!!

OMG NO!!! I thought to myself...of all the times to be getting a hard-on...THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM...I tried to tell myself. Luckily for once...my dick listened to me...at least a little bit...instead of getting completely rigid...it just "plumped up" nicely ( Hey....its better than playing "shrinky dink")

Just when I thought I was safe...this girl begins to apply hot lather to the area....Lots and lots of warm, creamy smooth lather! A WHOLE lot more lather than I really felt was necessary....and she just kept massaging the lather in!! Well...so much for having a well behaved dick!! BOING..it went to full attention!!

Apparently...this must have been the first time this girl had ever shaved a male down there...because immediately she became embarrassed ...which made me get embarrassed....etc, etc, etc.

She carefully picked up the razor and began to shave the areas about as far away from my lathered up and throbbing dick as she could get....but eventually...she had every hair mowed off....except the dick area..so she had no choice but to finish the job. She tried to be very careful about where she "grabbed" it....to lift it up while shaving....but unfortunately she chose to grab it by the "head"...and being slippery with all that lather....she had a heck of a time trying to keep ahold of it with just her fingertips....so they kept slipping and she kept repositioning her fingers.....and all the while...I am laying there on the bed....my fingers are in a "white knuckle" death grip on the sheets...and I am gritting my teeth...and praying like hell that she gets done shaving...before I end up shooting a load of cum all over the both of us!!

But that was the one thing that I really didnt need to worry about! Just about the time that I didnt think that I was going to be able to remain in control of my body fluids for much longer....I felt a stinging sensation on my scrotum....and heard her say...Oh MY!.....followed my another much louder, more excited sounding "OH MY !!!!! with her grabbing ahold of my nutsack with her one hand..and opening the curtain with her other hand and yelling "NURSE! Prep room three...STAT!!!!"

Well....I have been around hospitals enough to know that "STAT" is not a good word to hear!!! I thought...OMG this girl has suddenly realized that I was getting too "involved" in the procedure that she was performing and was going to report me as a "pervert" or something! So I raised up to try to explain to her that the "Throbbing hardon that she had been holding...and had almost caused to go "off"...was not totally my fault".......but I stopped myself....because, before I could utter a word....There before me was a sight that NO MAN should ever have to see!! His dick standing tall and proud ...with a BLOODY hand holding his NUTS!!!!

My dick immediately passed out...when the news traveled to it from my brain....and I almost joined it.....but somehow managed to hang on long enough to see this nurse that had to be at least 900 years old come running in ....pushed the young girl to one side....open a cabinet door..grab a bottle of some kind of powder and "poofed" some of the powder onto my bloody nuts!!!

Immediately my nuts felt like they had just been dipped in battery acid!!! I just knew that at any time...I was going to be told that both of my "buddies" had been "severed" and could not be replaced....but the old nurse just laughed and said....look at that...all that blood from just a tiny nick...I really didnt believe her at the time....but after they cleaned the area ....sure enough.....there was just one teeny tiny "scab" where the girls razor had dug just a little too deep.

Anyway....I managed to survive not only the preparation for surgery but also the surgery itself! But I made a promise to myself that from that day forward....NOTHING sharp was going to get anywhere near my "privates" ....no matter what!!!! LOL

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