A swingers meeting

Author: kenbev40

My partner, Beverly, and I were still new to the swinger lifestyle when we decided to meet a couple at an IHOP. With our 2-year-old son in tow, we were looking forward to an engaging breakfast. However, as soon as the man saw Bev, he uttered their safe word—a private signal to leave immediately. This cold dismissal was shocking; Bev might not be a Barbie, but she deserved respect. The couple left abruptly, and we were left feeling so disheartened that we nearly quit swinging altogether.

Meeting Chuck and Mary: A Turning Point

After that dispiriting experience, we met Chuck and Mary. They were a breath of fresh air and soon became our closest friends. With them, it was about more than just swinging; it was about building a friendship. They felt like family, and Mary became like a second girlfriend to me. Our gatherings often included dinners and movies—it wasn't just about the sex. Forming such a bond required effort and a strong foundation of friendship and trust among all four of us.

The Foundation of Swinging: Trust and Boundaries

One crucial aspect of swinging is the absolute trust you must have in your partner. Your marriage or primary relationship must be secure. It’s essential to remember where the boundaries are, even when you’re flirting or swapping partners. The most important rule in swinging is respecting when someone says no. Pressuring someone is a complete violation of swinging ethics. True swinging respects all parties' choices and boundaries.

Encounters with the Unprepared and Unethical

Throughout our swinging adventures, we've encountered numerous challenging situations. Some couples hadn’t fully communicated before reaching out to us, leading to uncomfortable scenarios where one partner was not on board. I view attempting to coerce someone into swinging against their will as a form of violation. We’ve also met individuals pretending to be part of a couple or trying to engage with a girlfriend while leaving their spouse at home. These experiences showed us the darker side of swinging, filled with deceit and manipulation.

Valuable Friendships and Realizations

Despite these challenges, we have also formed incredibly close and meaningful friendships within the swinging community. On one memorable occasion, we met a couple where the man turned out to be a high school boyfriend of Beverly’s. Their job relocation soon took them away, but the encounter was a poignant reminder of the small-world nature of swinging. Swinging, to me, is akin to dating for four—it requires honesty, respect, and clear communication.

Lessons for New Swingers

For those new to the swinging scene, my advice is to communicate openly with your partner and ensure both of you are fully comfortable and enthusiastic about every step you take. Protect your relationship and the feelings of everyone involved. Never let anyone harm your loved one, never pressure anyone, and treat everyone with kindness. Swinging can be a rewarding part of your relationship if done with respect and care.


Swinging has its highs and lows, and navigating it can be complex. By sharing our experiences, I hope to help newcomers avoid common pitfalls and strengthen their relationships through this adventurous lifestyle. Remember, it’s about fun and mutual satisfaction, never about compromising comfort or safety.

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