An Erotic trip to the BEACH

Author: DavenCriss

Dave and I decided to head for the beach after the heat of the day had passed. We arrived around 5pm, threw our stuff down and headed into the water. The beach was fairly quiet, as we planned, and those that 'didn't belong' were gone for the day. There was a single man in his chair not very far away from us. Eventually, he joined us in the water and he and Dave struck up a conversation for a few mintues before Dave came up on the blanket with me. I smoked a few cigarettes before returning back into the water and just as I decided to get back in, a big Sea Doo boat pulls up and throws anchor. I had worked myself out past the boat and Dave comes back in. The man on the boat yells down to Dave "You look like you could use a beer!" Dave wades over and graciously accepts the beer from the nude stranger. I had been talking to our 'neighbor' and he decides to 'go be with the guys'. So, there I am alone in the water. I am offered a beer too and decline, feeling a bit awkward having three naked men in my sight. I go back to our space and have another cigarette and watch them all chatting waist deep in the ocean near the boat. Dave sees me alone on the blanket and comes over and says that I had ben invited too. I told him I had felt awkward. Dave then told me that the other two men had been admiring each other's 'equipment' out there and had handled each other into a nice hard state. After getting me into a comfort zone, Dave coerces me to go out to the boat with them, just as the boat owner yells out for us to come join them. I am offered a beer and Dave another. We all stood around talking and laughing in the water near the boat, hiding our beers occassionally from intruders (worried about sheriffs). The other two men wonder if I can fit both of their cocks in my mouth at the same time. I though to myself...hmmmm....a challenge? Well, with Dave's encouragement and his cock getting hard, I decide to try. I put both of the cocks up to my mouth and take both heads at the same time. The men are impressed and moan slightly with the feeling of my warm mouth and their cocks rubbing against each other. Our 'neighbor' then asks me to stroke his cock, to which I oblige. Dave goes over to the boat owner and sucks on his cock for a few minutes, which really turned me on and I was also a bit jealous that he could take more than I could have. All the men had very impressive cocks.

The converstaion from the get-go had been mostly about sex and our fantasies. All three men were pretty hard by then and were all considering what they would do with me. Dave grabs me in his arms from behind and tells me to 'float'. The boat owner is to my right and our 'neighbor' is at my feet, so I pull aside the bottom of my bathing suit, as they both watch. I had by then taken off my top and both men oogled at the sight of my shaved pussy and made flattering comments. Our 'neighbor' looks at Dave and inquires as to an 'ok?' with his eyebrows. Dave nods and our 'neighbor' starts to put his cock in my pussy. I agreed it was alright too.

We position me as best as we can, fighting the waves that continue to pound against us, rocking our bodies from side to side. He was able to get about two inches of his very long cock in me, exclaiming at how tight my pussy is, saying I am 'too tight'. I am momentarily proud and am certain Dave is beaming behind me. We all agree that this is far too difficult with the forces of the ocean beating against us and consider our blanket on the beach. The boat owner gets a cell phone call and rushes to his boat. When he hangs up, he is the proud owner of a 'date' and he hands us all more beer and has to leave, assuring us that he is 'in the area' frequently. This leaves me with two very hard cocks at my service.

The three of us start talking about our fantasy of a double penetration. Our 'neighbor' started thinking that this would be a good thing. We think of ways to do this, after all we are on a public beach. Our 'neighbor' has been sporting a raging hard on for a few hours now and is expressing his concern over 'needing some relief'. Dave offers to be our 'scout' and watch for people coming down the beach. I am amazed that he is willing to not participate and just give me to another man, after all I am his girl. I get on the blanket and take my suit bottom off and cover with a towel, leaving my pussy open and ready. I lay there with my legs spread and our 'neighbor' comes out of the water and straight for my pussy. Together, we insert his hard cock into my 'too tight pussy', to which he moans. Dave is having a hard time 'scouting' as he glances over to see his girl getting strange dick, he is very aroused at the sight! A naked man walks by, Dave knew who he was, he's a 'regular' in this section of beach, and he is thrilled to see this on the beach. He walks up behind us and starts to finger my ass and the balls of our 'neighbor'. He stood back and stroked his already hard cock a few times and came right then, just watching us for a few moments. Our 'neighbor' doesn't take but a few minutes and announces he is going to cum. He pulls out of me strokes his shiny hard cock twice and came in the sand at the edge of our blanket.

We all walked to our cars after and exchanged email addresses and find out that his 34 year old man has a very reputable career and I am suddenly extra flattered that this happened to me. Dave ranted and raved the entire way home at what a 'turn on' this evening had been. We made passionate love later that evening and laugh at how our personal ads bring us nothing and spontaneouly is often the very best! After every threesome, whether it was a good experience or bad (and they have ALL been bad, except for this one), we always grow even closer.

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