Another Gift for Rosemary

Author: jimboaz

Rosemary and I have been sharing for a couple of years. Our experience has been with couples until about three months ago. I set up a date for us where another man would join us. She really enjoyed the date and talked about it for day. I figured after her first experience was so good another was in order. I called a couple of the male partner we have been sharing with and asked if they would like to make a very special evening for Rosemary. Their reply was anytime. She is know for her very special Venus treetments. I went about putting things together. I got a ajoining rooms at the local motel. Took keys to the other two men and told them of the plan. Rosemary and I had dinner at a near diner about five. We went to the room and turned on some music. Had a drink and got into the shower, We love to shower together and she really like me to shampoo her hair. We shower and play a bit. Hard not to with a sex lady in front of you. We dried and cuddled on the bed. We'll does't take long to get really horny. We startsucking and playing with each other. She tells me to lye back and gives me one of those special Venus jobs. Oh my think I went to heaven. I lay her back and fondle her thighs belly and legs. She starts to moan. She is not very quiet. I flick my tongue over her clit, drives her off the bed. Straight into the air. I turn to her feet and suck her toes for a couple of minutes then the back of her knees. Then move to her very wet pussy. It tastes so good. Always fresh and soft. Dripping with her juices. She pulls the head of my cock between her lips and draws it to the hilt. In and out. Moist and soft nearly like her pussy. I feel my dick getting bigger and bigger.I get up to turn around to face her. Lean down and take a couple nibbls on her nipples. Run my tongue around her niples and watch those sexy little bumps come up around her nipples. She maons even loader. She pleads put it in. Fuck me fuck me now. I'm ready she says. I plunge my cock deep into her pussy. Oh what a feeling. Hot,tight and wet. we fuck for a while and reach that majic moment together. We roll to our backs to rest. As planned I knock on the head board. John opens the door and come to the bed. Rosemary looks up in delight. Hi John. John asked may I join you two. Rosemary says shure baby lye her next to me. John procedes to play with her a little. Rosemary sits up and asks John if he would like a Venus. She does't wait for an answer. She knew his response. She moved next to John and started to work on him. Didn't take long. He was fully erect and leakng all over. She moved to stradle him and rode him until he shot his wad. She rooled back on her back to rest. Again I knocked on the head board. In came Ron. She like to fuck Ron after a lot of play. Ron has a largwer than average dick. She can't take him right off. I get some lub and rub her well. Lots of lube makes it easier to take. She likes to fuck him when she is lose. Ron asks if he was going to get regular treatment. Rosemary says beg you fool. He does as she ask. Ron rolls over on his back next to her. The game is on. Takes about two minutes to grow to full size. She has a grin on her face. Fuck fuck fuck. What a night and now Ron to top it off. She lyes down in the middle of the bed. Come on big guy. Put that thing where it belongs. He does just as she tells him. A little whine as he inters her. Just a little then its moan moan moan. With every thrust she pushes back. John plays with her left breast and licks the nipple. I follow suit on the right one. Her back arches with every stroke. I move up and put my cock in her mouth. She squirts all over the bed. We are all soaked. Ron shoots his load. We sit and talk for a while. Rosemary hugs them and gives them a big wet kiss. She sys thank all three of you for a wonderfl experience. John and Ron hit the shower and leave. Rosemary says let clean up. We went to the shower and played in the suds and warm water. We got out and turned down the other bed. Rosemary looked me in the eye and said that was very nice of you to set that up. You get two Venus treatment in one night. She got my dick up and very hard again. She rooled back and said slow and easy Babe. We fucked a few more minutes and exploded into exaustion.She rooled but her back to my chest and we fell asleep. Wss the topic of conversation for a week. Guess I'll have to plan another date in a few weeks.

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