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Author: warmbodies2

I love having sex outdoors. There's something that feels right about being naked outdoors, and during sex having a soft breeze wash over your body. A few years back my Mrs. and I had found a secluded place in a Pennsylvania state park where we laid out a blanket and proceeded to have outdoor sex on a beautiful, warm spring afternoon. So far from anyone we were totally uninhibited, exchanging oral sex,changing postions, and taking our time. Finally, after an hour of this and more than ready to cum, we hear a rustle in the brush next to us. Out stepped a young deer, no more than 3 or 4 feet away from us. Startled by stumbling upon us it froze. Equally startled, my Mrs. and I stayed motionless. The three of us sat there frozen for what had to be 10 seconds until, unable to hold back any longer,I came. Liz climaxed also, and the deer bolted. I'll never forget the look in that deer's eyes!

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