delivering your pizza

Author: ilovethisplace

I was on my way to drop off my last pizza delivery for the night,pulled up to the house walked up to the front door rang the doorbell when a women in her mid 30's answered the door in her towel, and might i add she was looking real good with the sun shining off her wet body she asked if i would come in while she wrote the check out so i walked in and she asked if i would close the door behind me because the a/c was on.Miss pizza lady walked right to the corner of the living room and kitchen and dropped her towel while holding the pizza so i had a very good shot of her wet body she asked me to help her so i ran over there thinking nothing of it and this is were the story gets good as soon as i reached to pick her towel up she told me to stay right there and jumped on me like there was no tommorow i was nervous as could be but we went at it like 2 bulls in a china closet then i heard a door slam her husband was home and i was breaking the speed record for getting my cloths on and that was the best tip i have ever recived.

thank you miss pizza lady

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