Doll comes to our place (100% true)

Author: LightUsUp

We were like two kids on Christmas Eve, buzzing around our home making final preparations with giggles and blushing glances. Each passing encounter between us was punctuated with touches, gropes, and kisses. The excitement was palpable; we were preparing for your arrival, setting the scene for an unforgettable night. Peering from every window, we awaited your car, and when you finally arrived, our hearts raced with anticipation. Your text broke the silence, a simple confirmation, "I’m here. Side?" and with a quick reply, "I see you doll. Front door please," the evening was set into motion.

A Vision Arrives

Your approach was mesmerizing, accentuated by a stunning white dress and playful pigtails. It felt like you floated towards us, a sight so endearing we couldn't help but exchange a loving kiss in awe of your charm. As you reached our door and read the welcoming note, our excitement turned into a thrilling silence. We watched, nearly breathless, through the peephole as you entered and followed the trail of notes leading you deeper into our planned adventure.

The Game of Anticipation

Behind closed doors, the game took on a fervent pace. We stifled our laughter and whispers, barely containing the desire to just open the door and embrace you fully. The notes led you to your next step: dressing in the attire we had chosen for you — just leather wrist and ankle cuffs. The thought of you standing there, transforming into the vision we'd fantasized about, was intensely arousing.

Trust and Submission

You followed the instructions perfectly, a testament to your trust and boldness. Dressed only in cuffs, you assumed your position and knocked thrice, signaling readiness to proceed. We opened the door to find you, a vision of submissive beauty, eagerly awaiting our approval. The sight was so perfect that we immediately rewarded you with your collar, marking you as ours for the evening.

Escalating the Intimacy

The evening escalated quickly as we blindfolded you and gently pressed you against the door, admiring your beauty in hushed reverence. Your lips, exposed and inviting, drew me in for a deep, longing kiss, tasting as sweet as ever. Meanwhile, my wife prepared herself to join in, removing her clothes to feel our skin meet skin, enhancing the intimacy of our touches.

The Climax of the Evening

Guided by soft commands and firm hands, we led you to the bedroom, lavishly prepared for your pleasure. With each step, our anticipation grew until we could no longer hold back. Once in the bedroom, we positioned you meticulously on the bed, securing your limbs and admiring the vulnerable yet eager state we had you in. The room filled with the sounds of our shared arousal — the soft clinks of cuffs, your restrained movements, and our breathy compliments to your absolute perfection.

Afterglow and Reflections

As we relaxed into the afterglow, the connection deepened, leaving us eager for future explorations. With every encounter, we push the boundaries further, exploring new dimensions of pleasure and intimacy. Your departure left us not with a sense of loss but with anticipation for the next chapter in our adventurous journey together.

Closing Moments

Dinner with you was fantastic, a perfect transition from the intensity of our play to the sweetness of everyday companionship. We look forward to our next meeting with excitement and affection.


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