I never imagined


Me and my husband have known each other for years. Even before we got married and all that good stuff we had been friends. So I kind of knew he had some freak in him but he did not know I did. I always gave off the "sweet and innocent" personality even when we finally hooked up and became a couple. We are so secure with ourself in our relationship so when we started talking about "swinging" it totally freaked him out. But when we let his best friend join us one evening after we had been out clubbing that totally did him in. Now of course we had already set our rules and we do not break them, so when we all got nakked and was in the hot tub, he knew even if it was my first time that I was going to blow his and his friend mind. You know the sweet and innocent ones always do that. It just put him in aww how I let his friend go down and eat my pussy while I sucked my husband cock and it made him as hard as he has ever been. Just watching me move around and enjoy my pleasure while he was enjoying his. When his friend made me have an orgasim, he got all kinds of excited and then it was his turn. Well need less to say we all had our fun for the rest of the night and into the morning. We did not regret anything nor did we break our rules and that is what counted. We had enough love and trust and was secure enough with each other not to try and no ta ask.

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