no longer bi-curious

Author: Margaret1

This past weekend I had my first sexual experience with a woman.It had to be the most exciting sexual experience of my life. As my husband watched my lady friend and I discover each others bodies. We carassed and sucked each others breasts. She took my nipples in her teeth and pulled on them. I kissed her breasts licking and sucking them enjoying every moment. She slowly worked her way down my stomach, kissing and licking. I spread my legs wide, anticipating her lips on my hot and wet pussy. As she first touched my pussy with her lips I arched off the bed, she spread my pussy lips lightly nipping at my clit. I thought I was going to cum on the spot. By this time my husband was into the action, sucking on my breasts. As I turned my head, I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck. The sensations were overwhelming. My lady friend that took her trusty vibrator and spread my legs even farther and brought me to climax. We rolled and lay hugging each other, I felt so complete my lady friend and my best friend (husband). Slowly we began the process all over again, only this time it was me going down on my friends pussy. She tasted so sweet. It was all the more erotic knowing that my husband was watching every move we made. Its a memory we will always have.

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