Author: hotnhard767

I play golf at our local country club about 3 times a week. I was suppose to have met my brother in -law for 18 holes, but he never showed up. I was about to leave when this older couple asked me if i would care to join them and their friend to play a four-some, I said sure why not. He introduced himself as a JOHN and his wife was named SANDI. They were both mid-late 50's. Then he introduced me to HELEN who was his wife's sister. WOW, what a awesome/ attractive woman. Helen was a widow and she was 60 years old. But she had the look and body of a 30 year old woman. After we had played 9 holes, John suggested that we should all stop at their house and have some drinks before finishing our round. Their home was located across from the 10th tee-box. I said sure, why not. After some drinks, John said that he and SANDI were going back out on the course, while Helen announced that she had developed a headache and declined to go back out. I told JOHN & SANDI that I had a buzz and would prefer to just hang-out back at the clubhouse. But, first I asked to use their bathroom. When I came out JOHN-SANDI were gone. I WAS almost out the door when Helen touched my arm, as I TURNED AROUND, she laid about a 10 second kiss on me. She confessed to lying about the headache, and said thAT her pussy was aching for some 37 year old cock. I have never had a more wild & hot sexual experience in my life. Helen was open to everything. Oral, Anal, and she swallowed. I plan on playing her course at least 2-3 times a week from now on. DEAN

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