Author: T5DDY

I was a delivery driver and while making one of those deliveries I started talking with a few of the nurses I had got to know,it went from how I like coming so far to was I married. the next time I went we met again the same four nurses we shot the shit for a while and one asked had i ever been with a white womanand i say yes my ex. they all laughed and the conversation was over. the next time the one that asked about me an white woman she decided to ask me out for a drink i said ok but we would meet some place because where it was. We met had acouple of drinks and she wanted to go get a roomand we did.went the room and the first thing she did was take my penis out and started sucking I had never had my dick sucked like that it wasn't long ans I shot my hole load she got up went to the bathroom came out naked as a jay bird we spent the hold weekend in that room.

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