our first time

Author: playtimecpl2007

It was just another casual night out with my wife, Mary. We were at our favorite bar, enjoying a couple of drinks and playing pool. The atmosphere was laid-back, filled with the ambient sounds of clinking glasses and laughter. While playing, our conversation often wandered to the idea of introducing another man into our intimate life, though it had always remained just playful banter—until that night.

Tension Builds at the Pool Table

Mary was dressed enticingly in a low-cut blouse and a short skirt, which did not go unnoticed. Each time she leaned over to take her shot, her opponent, unable to keep his eyes off her, seemed increasingly interested. This man, whom we later came to know as Matt, took every chance to "assist" Mary with her stance and swing, his body brushing subtly against hers. I could see the mutual attraction sparking as they interacted.

A Subtle Proposal Over Drinks

After returning to our booth for a drink, Mary's eyes sparkled with mischief as she asked, "What do you think about him, honey?" Sensing the potential for the evening to evolve, I suggested she invite him over for a drink. As we chatted, the conversation turned flirtatious. Declining my offer to dance, Mary asked Matt instead, who eagerly accepted. Watching them on the dance floor, flirting and touching, was thrilling. It was the first time I'd seen her with another man, and it stirred a mixture of emotions within me.

Escalating to a Private Encounter

Their dance was charged with an electric tension that eventually led Mary to propose a bold idea: "Let’s go get a room." Once in the hotel room, the ambiance shifted dramatically. Matt, seizing the moment, began kissing Mary's neck and caressing her body. She reciprocated with intense enthusiasm, revealing Matt's impressive anatomy which she greeted with her renowned skills.

Unleashing Desires

The room filled with the sounds of pleasure as Mary and Matt explored each other passionately. I watched, fascinated and aroused, as she expertly brought him to the brink before they shifted positions. The intensity only grew as I joined in, transforming our duo into a thrilling trio. Our interactions wove together seamlessly, escalating into a night of uninhibited pleasure.

Afterglow and Reflection

As dawn approached, we reflected on the night's adventures. It had been a groundbreaking experience for us, pushing boundaries and deepening our connection. Lying together, we talked about the night, its impact on our relationship, and our excitement for future explorations.

The Morning After: Planning for More

The next morning, we shared a quiet breakfast, our conversation light but filled with unspoken anticipation of more nights like the last. We knew something had shifted fundamentally in our relationship, opening doors to new possibilities and shared fantasies.

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