Sex in the Alley

Author: hbear77

My wife and I took the weekend to ourselves and decided to go out on the town. She slipped on a very short skirt with nothing on underneath so her pussy would be free if we had the sudden urge to do something. Once we made it to the bar she began teasing the other patrons with her flirting and insinuating actions, getting both male and females wanting to play with my sexy wife but she put most off. That is, however, that one male began to play with her womanhood underneath the bar and had her dripping before I knew anything had even happened. Our ride had taken off but I was drug outside and into the parking lot lot where we went at it, on top of others cars, untill we noticed someone was watching us from the other side of the street. quickly we finished and crossed the street to find out who had seen and instantly recognized him as the man who had turned my wife into a horny mess within the bar. She gave me a look to confirm that I wouldn't care and asked the man if he wanted some too. Over to the cars we ventured again and the young man(wearing a condom) enter my wife's crevess from behind and she began to orally please me. Just then our ride showed again and we had go but got the mans phone number for a later hook-up but have yet to call him again,though I am sure we will sometime soon.

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