Shocked Me

Author: tomk21712

On a journey back to her hometown, the playful banter between my wife and I centered around her past flings. Teasingly, I suggested how thrilling it would be to see her with one of her exes again—a thought she dismissed as ludicrous. Despite the tension from our long drive, we ventured out the next night to a local bar, a spot she frequented in her youth.

A Reunion with the Past

The evening unfolded into a reunion of sorts. Her old friends and flames gathered, reminiscing about the days gone by. Among the crowd was Bob, a figure from her past, who made no effort to hide his familiarity, draping his arm around her and peppering her cheeks with kisses. When I excused myself for a moment, my wife followed, questioning if I was comfortable with Bob’s closeness. Initially oblivious, I soon realized he was being more intimate than I had noticed, touching her discreetly under the guise of casual gestures.

Escalation and Realization

Upon returning to our table, I strategically sat opposite my wife, granting me a clearer view of their interactions. True to her warning, Bob’s hands ventured under the table, making their way up my wife's leg. Shockingly, she reciprocated by parting her legs, welcoming his advances. The scene escalated quickly; Bob’s hand slipped up her dress, and her body language shifted to one of evident pleasure. Conflicted but intrigued, I confronted the unfolding scenario with mixed emotions.

A Night of Revelations

Later, my wife openly admitted that Bob was not just an old flame but her first significant lover. Resolving to see how far this nostalgic flirtation could go, I invited Bob to continue their escapade in our car—a move that visibly surprised them both. The drive to Bob's place was charged with an intense sexual energy, culminating in my wife's passionate display in the backseat.

Unbridled Passion

Once at Bob's, the night evolved into an unbridled escapade of passion and old desires rekindled. We shared moments of intimacy, taking turns in a dance of pleasure that lasted until dawn. As we basked in the afterglow, my wife confided that Bob was indeed very special, being her first in more ways than one.

Reflections and Aftermath

Reflecting on that night, it remains a vivid chapter in our lives. It was a unique experience that briefly rekindled an old flame for my wife, yet it stood alone as a singular event, not to be repeated. Our occasional rendezvous with Bob continued for some time, each meeting a reminder of that unexpected night that started it all.

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