Stranger in the Night

Author: lyon

Last weekend, my wife and I ventured to a local nudist camp for a refreshing retreat. Excited for the evening, the camp had organized a lively event with a live band scheduled to perform on Saturday night.

Initial Surprise at the Venue

Anticipating the atmosphere, I arrived at the dance venue before my wife to scout the scene. Surprisingly, the early attendees were all dressed rather conservatively. I hurried back to inform my wife about the unexpected attire choice, which gave her pause. Despite the chilly evening, she decided on a compromise: she wore a dress and sweater but chose to keep her chest exposed for a hint of daring.

Changing the Mood

As we made our entrance at the dance, the atmosphere was subdued with only a few people around, all expressing disappointment at the turnout. Some even considered leaving. Fortunately, the band played on, undeterred by the sparse crowd.

Seeking to inject some energy into the evening, I shed my clothes, encouraging a more liberating vibe. Inspired, one man followed suit, and a woman opted for a minimalistic bra and thong ensemble. This shift in mood nudged my wife to fully embrace the spirit of the venue; she too discarded her dress and sweater, confidently stepping into the nude.

Dancing and Revelations

Her boldness caught the eye of a solitary man who asked her to dance. The sight of her freely dancing before the band, embracing the music with every swivel of her hips and shake of her breasts, was incredibly stimulating. Throughout the evening, this man sought my permission multiple times to dance with her, until I finally extended an open invitation.

As the night progressed, their interaction grew more intimate, with my wife clearly enjoying the attention and the freedom of her expressions. The band members and other guests couldn't help but follow her every move, enchanted by her charisma. Even I found myself aroused, a fact that didn't go unnoticed among the attendees.

The Climactic Dance

The climax of the evening came with the last dance, a slow number my wife usually reserved for me. However, this time, she shared this intimate moment with her new admirer, their bodies pressed close in a tight embrace. It was evident he was deeply moved by the closeness.

A Private Show and Conclusion

After the dance, he expressed a desire to continue the evening, but my wife and I had already decided our limits. As we walked back to our room, I proposed a compromise: we would perform a private show for him through our window, provided he respected our privacy afterwards.

Though initially hesitant, my wife's adventurous spirit soon prevailed. We prepared our room, ensuring just enough lighting to set the scene while keeping the curtains open enough for our audience of one. As she lay provocatively on the bed, I joined her, my touches exploring as we noticed our spectator arrive at the window.

That night, our performance was passionate, culminating in what my wife described as her "greatest orgasm ever." Our show concluded with the lights going off, and soon after, we heard his appreciative farewell fade into the night.


In that moment, the bond between my wife and me deepened, a testament to our shared love for adventure and each other's desires.

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