The Housewife that Could Have Been.

Author: Tartunian

I'm an eighteen-year-old guy who combines babysitting with a steady job to make ends meet. There's one family I regularly babysit for, where the kids are easy to handle and the mom is notably attractive. One particular night, I was tasked with watching the kids well into the wee hours. By midnight, the kids were asleep, and I was sprawled on the couch in the family room, half-asleep myself, waiting for the parents to return.

The Unexpected Return

The mother came home alone, having found the event she attended dull enough to leave early, while her husband decided to stay longer and catch a ride home with a friend. As she entered, I opened my eyes, gathered myself, and was ready to head home—I just wanted to be paid the next day and leave, tired from the long night. However, she asked if I could stay a bit longer. Despite feeling ready to leave, I sat back down, curious about why she'd request more of my time.

The Moment of Intimacy

The mom sat next to me on the couch and turned on the TV, watching silently. The atmosphere felt suddenly charged; her proximity and attractiveness sparked an arousal in me I couldn't ignore. The situation escalated quickly when she leaned in, putting her arm around me and starting to kiss my neck. Her hand ventured between my legs, making direct contact with my now undeniable arousal. Her touch intensified, and soon she was caressing me more intimately under my pants. Overwhelmed by the moment, I began kissing her back.

Heightened Tensions

The intensity between us grew as she straddled me on the couch. We were lost in the heat of making out; I was mesmerized, hands roaming to her breasts. Just as she stood to undo her jeans, the abrupt sound of a door opening startled us. In a flash, she adjusted her clothing. It was her husband, who headed straight upstairs, oblivious to what had nearly unfolded downstairs.

Abrupt Conclusion

Quick to avoid any risk of discovery, she urged me to go home. Nothing further happened that night, and the thick veil of what might have been hung heavily in the air. We never spoke of it again, nor did we attempt to revisit that nearly crossed line.


That night left me with a vivid memory of how close I came to an encounter with an older woman—a tantalizing scenario that remains unfinished. She was the housewife that might have been, a secret between us, locked away in the silence of unspoken possibilities.

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