The Last Sun Rise

Author: tyenjen

The hotel is very quite this time of night. It must be low tide because from our balcony I don’t hear the crashing of waves but the gentle ocean as it glides up the beach and then retreats back upon its self again. The moon light is dancing on the water creating a golden shimmer of bright sparks. She is almost ready. . .

Dinner tonight will be like none that we have ever had before. It is our first meeting of new, special, very special friends. I hope they like us too. It’s pretty funny how nervous I am feeling. I didn’t think of that when we put this plan into motion. Sure I thought she would be nervous, but I didn’t think I would be too.

Wow, she is beautiful! This should be a night to remember for this vision of my wife alone. Her self confidence and sexiness is stunning. I can’t wait to get started. 7:00pm. we are right on time. I can’t remember who picked the place, us or them. Thai food is my favorite. There is something about the hot and spicy food that just makes me feel alive.

Good there here, should I shank hands, hug or what? We have talked to them so often on the phone and in e-mails I feel that they are already long time friends. Jen and Stacy are hugging; good I guess that means they feel the same.

Who would have thought that we had so much in common? Right down to the way we each order our meal. Jennifer and Stacy ordered the same thing the same way, everything on the side. While Bob and I went straight for the heat. I guess he too loved hot and spicy.

Stacy was not a small woman nor would I consider her to be very big. She was the type of lady that could wear anything and it would look great on her. She caught my eye the minute she walked into the room. I had no idea that she would be even more beautiful in person. She had soft blond hair and bright green eyes. Her smile was intoxicating and once you saw it, you too would be smiling. I guess she has that effect on people because from the very start of the dinner we were all laughing and smiling. She was a flirt by nature. She could catch you think of how she looked without cloths on before you even knew you were doing it. Maybe it was just her smile and the look that she gave but it seem to be a powerful thing and had a lasting effect not easily forgotten.

Bob on the other hand was a few years older than me. He works as an engineer for a medical supply company. That type of job seems just the opposite of his out going personality. He had dark thick hair with no sign of losing it. But he is starting to have a few grays coming in. He was a little round in the middle but could still look smart and sleek in his expensive suite. He had big arms and broad shoulders. He mentioned that he did some time in the service but I don’t remember which branch.

They were exactly what were hoping to find. They were very considerate and kind yet fun and exciting. We spent the entire time sharing stories about our lives and adventures. It was very clear that we all made the right decision to take a risk on this new adventure together.

My wife is amazing. She has long red hair and beautiful green eyes. She has worked really hard this year to recapture her pre baby figure. She did an outstanding job. The look she got from the men as she entered the room tonight is proof of her accomplishment. Tonight she is in a short black cocktail dress that has a low neck line. It shows off just a peak of her perfect round breasts. Bob’s eyes spent most of the dinner stuck in her tractor beam, neck line. The effect I do believe she was going for in the first place. She too could flirt with the best of them and did so tonight with Bob. The poor guy never knew what hit him. It took me years to build the defenses against her powers of flirting. She still can’t make me forget myself, but now she has to work a little harder at it. Bob had no chance against her powers tonight, she was on her game.

While I can express the softness of my wife’s outline or the details of the person sitting across from me, I have a hard time matching myself up to the true image I project. I guess if you spend your life in the details of others it would be hard to have the abstract point of view to see yourself as others do. I am not very tall but not short. I look best in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts but I think that is because if I am wearing that I am at my most relaxed. I too have thick dark hair but no sign of gray just yet. I am sure when I am Bob’s age I will have my share of that too. I am not fat but I do carry my fair share of the good life in my mid section. Like Bob too I have broad shoulders. I guess all the football I played in high school had a positive side effect. I am outgoing and easy to talk to. I love a good story and have many to share as well. I have a full wonderful life. Love, adventure, luck and happiness complete me. I live by a few rules to keep my karma in check. I try and say thank you at least fifty times a day because you can never be to appreciative. I try to listen first and act second. And finally I try to love unconditionally. I have found that these rules have created a wonderful full life.

Time has flown by at dinner. We have been talking long after our dinner was done. I think its time we moved on. I suggested that we all could go for a walk on the beach. This sounded like a great idea but I was quickly informed by the two women that they indeed had the wrong outfits on for a walk on the beach.

That’s when Bob suggested we head up to their room and explore their mini bar on his company. I guess this was a business trip lucky for us. So when did just that. Their room was much higher up then ours. Of course it was also bigger. They had 2 full couches, a breakfast nook and a huge balcony over looking not just the beach below but the entire harbor.

It didn’t take long for the mini bar to release the mixed drinks. We all sat on the patio, under the moon light and continued to share our lives. I think all of our expectations were the same for the plan for that night. That is that we didn’t plan on anything. Not knowing what you may feel in this situation it is best to just ride it out and see where things go. No expectations are always the best expectation.

So that is when it happened. My wife got up to use the bathroom and Stacy came over and sat right next to me where my wife once sat just a minute ago. My arm still over the back of the chair, Stacy pulled it down over her shoulder. Then she placed her hand on my leg. Seeing this once my wife came back, she took no time in cozying up next to Bob. We continued to talk for a few more drinks and explored with our hands as the mini bar gave out it’s last call.

Slowly we re-entered their room and moved over to their two big couches. At this point my eye caught Bob stealing a soft kiss from my wife. So I in turn softly laid my lips on Stacy’s mouth. As I pulled away after a much longer kiss than what Bob had with my wife I was amazed to find that my wife was already rubbing Bob in his happy place.

I could tell that this was going to be an amazing night. Bob then took Jennifer by the hand and she followed him into the bed still visible from where Stacy and I were progressing as well. I am not even sure how or when but at some point we all ended up in that big bed together. The sounds that were coming from this room were pure heated pleasure. We all had a turn at exploring our most ultimate fantasies with each other.

It’s hard to remember all the details of that night, that time, that experience, that adventure. The next day we did take that walk on the beach before saying goodbye.
I know that I will never forget the feeling from that night. It’s like seeing the last sunrise. How important would it be? Would you be able to describe it? What words would you use? I guess some feelings are just meant to be felt.

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