The Perfect Match PART 1

Author: curiouscp240

After several failed relationships and 40 years on the planet,I think its safe to say that i had given up on the idea of ever finding{THE ONE},you know,that giggly head over heels kind of special lady,and marriage was definately out of the question.And then there was Dee,acutually we had known eachother for years,but either she was married or involved vice versa,im not much of a writer so i hope i dont get to long winded.Hang with me i promise to get to the fun stuff in a bit.Anyway as aformentioned we had known oneanother for several years but had never been close freinds,however being a typical male i had often thought of her sexually and wondered if she was as hot in bed as i had imagined.Well,as fourtune would have it i was newly divorced so was she in fact she was dating a close freind of mine.Often we would meet socially at dinners or family get togethers and there was definately a strong chemistry.Once on a family camping trip my freind brought Dee and her children out to the camp for a day of fun and sun,we could hardly keep away from one another however she was involved with the other guy my freind.At this point it was very obvious to anyone except maybe, we will call him Bob.I had known bob for years as well and we had been close freinds seemingly forever,so i asked him point blank whats the deal with this girl,serious relationship or fuckbuddys or what? his response was just freinds no big deal and if i was interested feel free to pursue her but he thought i really wasnt her type LOL.Oh well i did ask.The decision was made in my mind i would have her if only as a one time casuale fuck.I knew she felt the same but had never acted out of respect for bob but now the gloves were off.

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