The Private Room

Author: Corielle6115

In the dimly lit parlor, we held hands, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. I was nude beneath my terry cloth robe, the soft fabric a stark contrast to the electric excitement that coursed through me. She stood before me in a silk gown, its luxurious material barely concealing the intimate bra and panties she wore underneath. Drawing her closer, I felt the warmth of her almost naked body through the silk, craving the touch of her ample breasts and the delicate hair of her sex. I kissed her hand tenderly, then opened my robe and guided her hand to my naked penis.

Anticipation and Desire

“Ohhh, be patient, darling,” Angela whispered softly over the calming, sensual music that filled the room. “You’ll be deep inside me soon enough, in that very special place we enjoy so much.”

Waiting and Watching

Pillows and thin curtains of velvet and satin separated us from the rooms of pleasure beyond. While we waited, our hostess, dressed in a revealing top and skimpy panties that barely covered her ample bottom, served us warm green tea. Another couple sat with us, a lesbian couple who gazed into each other’s eyes warmly and lovingly while they gently caressed each other’s thighs.

Intimate Moments

The hostess parted the satin curtains and withdrew to fetch more tea and cookies. We watched Lynn and Amy, our good friends, as a warm, aroused glow spread across their faces. They kissed each other on the cheek, a tender prelude to the passion that followed. Lynn drew Amy close, aligning their mouths, and placed a deep, sensual kiss, her tongue exploring Amy’s mouth with intimate familiarity.

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