This is not about adult stories, just what adults do

Author: mac4silver

My partner and I often find ourselves caught in a recurring and frustrating cycle within the swinger community. It starts promisingly, with flirtations and messages from other couples and singles. This initial interaction is usually filled with excitement and the anticipation of meeting new, like-minded people.

The Disconnect Between Initial Interest and Real Meetings

However, a perplexing trend has emerged. Despite the apparent interest in our profiles and the engaging conversations that follow, the enthusiasm seems to wane dramatically when we propose transitioning from online interaction to an actual meeting. It's as if the act of expressing a genuine interest in meeting triggers a retreat or a change of heart among those who initially reached out.

The Issue with Collecting Virtual "Notches"

We've come to realize that some members of the community are more interested in collecting virtual "notches" on their profiles than in participating in real, tangible experiences. These are individuals or couples who perhaps enjoy the thrill of the chase or the ego boost of having multiple interested parties but have no real intention of following through with an actual meeting.

A Plea for Genuine Intentions

This pattern has become disheartening and has led us to issue a plea to those who engage with us: If you view our profile and are intrigued enough to initiate contact, please be sincere in your intentions. We appreciate the virtual winks and flattering messages, but if you have no real intention of meeting, we respectfully request that you do not engage with us merely to add another "notch" to your collection.

Closing Thoughts from Silver

It's important to us that our interactions lead to real experiences, not just online accolades. We value genuine connections and the opportunity to meet and share experiences with others who are truly interested in the lifestyle. So, to those in the swinger community who are serious about their engagements, we are excited to meet you. For others, we hope you understand our position and respect our wishes.

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Step into an enchanting world of thrilling adventures and dynamic community engagements on SwingTowns. Here, every moment is an opportunity for unforgettable encounters and vibrant festivities. Register for your free account today and start connecting with local swingers eager to explore and share. Embrace the excitement and let your journey of discovery and pleasure unfold!

"My husband and I joined Swingtowns a couple of years ago. We are new to this lifestyle and were a little apprehensive in getting involved in something like this, but we wanted to spice up our sex life and bite the bullet. We have met some wonderful respectful people and have become friends with everyone we met."

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Note: Anyone can write a swingers story on SwingTowns. You’ll find swinger stories by independent writers from around the globe. Posting any content of this page without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

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