This is not my first rodeo

Author: toreckman

Back when I was younger, I shared a uniquely intimate moment with a close friend. It began one lazy afternoon, a time when conversations between guys would often meander into comparisons and braggadocio about physical attributes. On this particular day, the topic of our cock sizes came up—not an unusual topic among friends, but this time, it took a surprising turn. My friend, driven by curiosity, boldly asked if he could see mine.

Crossing the Line

Hesitation gripped me initially, the thought of crossing that line felt daunting. Yet, something within me—a mix of excitement and a desire to explore—urged me to agree. As I revealed myself, my excitement was unmistakable; I was rock hard, an undeniable sign of my arousal.

Mutual Exploration

Without a word, my friend knelt before me, a silent agreement passing between us. He then enveloped my cock with his mouth. The sudden warmth and wetness were electrifying. Before I fully grasped the situation, he guided my hand towards his own erection. I found myself reciprocating, wrapping my fingers around his length, which was equally firm and throbbing.

Intimate Climax

The escalation was mutual and seamless. Emboldened by his actions, I soon mirrored them, taking his cock into my mouth. The taste of him, the sense of power and vulnerability, it was exhilarating. I lost myself in the rhythm of sucking and stroking, driven by an instinctive understanding of pleasure that only someone who shares your anatomy could know.

Our climax was intense; he released a torrent of cum into my mouth. The warmth and saltiness of his release covered my tongue and lips, marking an indelible memory. It was an incredible experience, yet it remained singular. We never spoke of it again, nor did we explore further. Despite the silence that grew between us on this front, the memory of that day remains vivid in my mind, occasionally stirring a deep arousal whenever it surfaces.


I cherish that memory, not just for the physical pleasure, but for the trust and the unspoken bond it represented. I hope that, one day, I might find a similar connection, crafting another lifelong memory to savor.

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