Took Them All

Author: horse157

We were working on a cattle station and branding at the time in the hot sun.We only had a few calves to finish branding and the boss said to the girl that was working for us to go and start making lunch. Not being far behind her in time and knowing she wouldnt have it ready yet we all dived into the dam to cool off. She saw us and said it wasnt fair that we have a swim and cool off and she said she would come in to. She was a small girl about5 feet and very slim with a curvy body. Unbeknown to her the 6 of us had our dirty sweaty cloths off and were washing them under the water. She saw our stirts were all off and she thought it would be ok to leave her bra on and take her top off. We all started flirting with her and urging her to take her bra off .She was shy at first and started to blush.Tommy got out to have a smoke and she saw he had nothing on she was quietly feeling hot and didnt take much talking into to take her bra off. Her little tits were hard and standing out like points on darts. Tommy saw this and got a big fat horn straight away ,he didnt try and hide it and when she she got very hot to think she could do that to him.He got back into the water and they teased her to get out , she did and only had her panties on by this time. Jane teased the 6 of them by sitting with her legs aparton the bank.Two of the men got out and sat beside her she could see their BIG cocks and it turned her on to see what she did to them.She reasoned if it was good enough for them to be with no cloths i would be ok for her to. WOW..........what a sight , she had the biggest set of pussy lips they had ever seen.They hung down the inside of her legs like a small cock. She wanted to be fucked Tommy cane up behind her and she didnt move, he touched her long lips and she moaned ,that was enough for him to drive it in her and streach her pussy to the limit. He finished and she stayed in the water and when one of the others came up to her she took him to . When the rest saw this the got in line ,the two on the bank watched and wondered if they could fuck her to. They didnt have to wait too long the little lady came out and they doubled her and she loved it, she fucked the 6 of them and still looked so sweet.

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