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Author: 2forfunnar

I was at a country bar and having a blast. I ran into an old boyfriend of mine - he was feeling kinda frisky. He started telling his new girlfriend about how I was the best at giving blow-jobs, and how he sure did miss that. Later that night, I was on the dance floor with her, and she asked if I'd be willing to give him another one - for old times sake. The twist was... she wanted to watch. She wanted to see what I did different. I went up to the balcony over the dance floor, and she went to get him. Luckily noone else was upstairs so Igot right to it. She told him to sit down... I got on my knees in front of him, as she unzipped his wranglers. The look on his face was priceless - she started stroking his cock while I licked the head, and then while I sucked him, she kept his hands busy on here now bare tits. I felt him getting ready to cum... so I grabbed her butt, and motioned for her to join me. She got down on her knees beside me, and we let him cum in each of our mouths. She and I went back down to the dance floor while he "recooped". I don't think he stopped grinning for the rest of the night.

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