A Night At The Movies

Author: Magnet1231

My boyfriend Shawn came to pick me up for our date. When we got in the car he asked if he dcould blindfold me because he had a surprise and he didn't want me to see where we were going. When he stopped the car he kissed me sweetly on the neck and took my blindfold off. I looked up and saw we were at a adult toy store. He thought he would have to prsuade me into going in. However, I said I have always wanted to go to a place like this. He watched as I walked down the isles checking things out. Then, I came over to him and told him I wanted to buy a vibrator. I payed for it and then just as we were walking out I saw a man walking into the movie theater that was attached to the store. I paid for our tickets and took Shawn's hand and walked him into the theater. When we sat down I reached over and started to stroke him cock. He brushed me hand away and said "Later Honey". Then, I whispered in hi ear let me pleasure you. He nodded yes and I continued to rub him though his pants for a few minutes until he became fully aroused. Then I unzipped his pants and and noticed Shawn wasen't wearing underwear so I pulled his cock out from under his pants and licked the shaft of his cock and stroked him with my hand. When, I saw some ore cum oozing out I sucked him in I could feel his cock brushing the inside of my throat then I got so turned on I started to play with myself. All of a sudden Shawn's body started to tense up and he exploded in my mouth. Aftrwards, I ask Shawn if we could go home so we could try the vibrator.

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