A taste of two ladies

Author: dragon20

I was out of town the other day on business. After a long day at the conference I went out for diner and a few beers with some of the other guys. Around 11:00 the less adventurous souls headed back to the hotel and the "fun guys" headed out into the night.

We ended up at a bikini bar (it's like a strip club, pole and all, but with the girls in bikinis). We had a couple drinks and then I was approached by an attractive black girl around 22. We chatted and eventually she asked if I wanted a counch dance. I said sure. She was an OK dancer. We had a couple dances and went back out to the table to watch the show.

Later, a very attractive blonde who isn't 21 yet (she couldn't drink) was dancing and the first girl, Mercedes, said that was a friend of hers and that they rode in together. She said the blondes name was Lexi and that they went to school together. We talked about that a little, the next dancer took the stage and the evening went on for a while.

Then Mercede's said, "Have you ever had a double couch dance?". I said I hadn't. She said that she and Lexi loved to do double dances together. Obviously it was twice as expensive as a single dance but that only seemed reasonable. Lexi was very attractive and I'd been spending a lot of time on this site and had even been discussing bring another woman to bed with my wife. So I had two women on the brain and this girl had just offered it up to me. I said absolutely.

Mercedes went of to grab Lexi and I waited at my table and watched whatever young hardbody was dancing at the pole at that precise moment. A few seconds later Mercedes and Lexi came out to get me. We went back to the private dancing room. A long room with couches along both walls and mirrors all over the walls. No one else was there and we sat down to talk while the songs changed.

So there I sat all alone on the couch with an attractive 21ish girl under each arm. Hell even that 3 minute was worth a couple bucks. The song ended and it was time to start.

The girls began the ussual grinding that comes with a couch dance. In the beginning one straddled each leg and they both ground on me at the same time but very quickly they switched to making a sandwich. One would rub against me and the other would be "on top" of her. Sometimes the girl on me would be facing me and other times she would be facing up so she and the other girl would be facing each other.

I can remeber Mercedes on top of me (remember I'm sitting on a couch) grinding her butt into my croch while she and Lexi were kissing and fonding each other. The customers aren't allowed to touch the girls but apparently that rule doesn't apply for the girls. they kissed and rubbed each other's breasts and bodies and occasionally I'd see a head slide down between one girl or the other's legs.

They were really getting into it. It made me wonder if they were more than just friends. Anyway, the more they got into it the more I got into it as well. They would kiss and rub each other and squirm in my lap then rearrange and each of them would staddle a leg and grind on me. The three and a half minutes went by WAY TOO QUICKLY and I didn't have the money to do it again.

I was woosey from it all. It had been a great experience. I chatted and teased with the girls for a few minutes, paid them and walked out into the chill of the night. My head was spinning. It was the closest I had ever come to having two women and it was fantastic even though it only lasted 3 minutes and we were all three completely dressed. Not only did it give me some great memories to keep me awake on the long drive home the next day, it made me redouble my efforts to find a couple or a bi-female on this site so my wife and I can experience "the real thing".

We haven't managed to hook up with anyone yet but we're trying and I know when we do it will put this memory to shame. But for now I've had my taste of a threesome and damn it tastes good!

Dragon20 (the male half)

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