A Woman's Touch

Author: nadirsage

It was a sunny day when a friend of my husband and asked if it would be okay with me to have a threesome. When he came home and told me about I was so excited. See I am a Bi female and only with him have I been truly able to express my sexual scorpio ;). So the date was set for her to come over and play. When I saw this chocolate brownn goddess undress I was wet with anticipation. My husband puts on one of our favorite orgy porn flicks and that turns her on so much that shewas literally wide eyed lookin into the T.V. screen. My husbnand pulls out his hard dick and I begin to suck it so hard that it got wet enough to drip down my chin. My husband prodded her to get undressed and she did with only a slight bit of nervousness. I stopped sucking him only to suck on her. Her full chocolate breasts were sooo tasty I couldn't wait to taste the kitty. My husband positioned us I ate her out while he fucked me from behind and she was moaning with so much pleasure it awake the stars in heaven and cause the moon to come out. I got her ready for my husband's hard dick and she loved it!! I played with her clit and sucked her breasts while he fucked her and she came all over...not to mention I was cumming just for the fact that I was playing with her and eating her kitty. The next day when my husband was at work she rushed to have a "meeting" with him. She preceeded to tell him that she was still wet from our playful adventure and especially because she was anticipating her next woman's touch. :)

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