Don't do it

Author: tomk21712

When my wife and I got married I was still in the service,she was still very young(18yrs old)I wasn't much older(20yrs old).I found a place off base that was nice so we set up house.The guy that rented us the place lived next door with his wife and son.I did not know it while it was going on but I found out later that my wife had been letting the boy from next door watch her laying out in the back yard sunning herself.At some point my wife caught him peeking through the fence looking at her,she also noticed he had his cock in his hand playing with himself.She told me she found it exciting knowing he was jerking off.One day she called him over and asked him if he would like a closer look.She took him in the house and took off her top to show him her tits.She told me that when he saw her tits he went nuts.He pushed her to the floor and pulled off her shorts and fucked her.When he was finished with her he left not ever saying a word.My wife must have not been to upset by what had happened because not only did she not tell me but she fucked him again.Let me tell you one thing before I forget, he was no child,he was in his 20s.My wife thought she had a good thing going untill one day the boys dad came over to the house and said he had to talk to me.His son told him about how he had fucked my wife.The guy was very mad and told me that he was kicking us out.I told him fine and that we would move out as soon as possible.My wife was sitting in the kitchen when I came back in the house.She asked me what I had been talking to the landlord about.I told her and then asked her if it was true.She said it was.She asked me to forgive her and I did.That was not the only time she fucked around on me but it was the first.We stayed married for many years and it was not till after our split that she told me about the many men that she had fucked while we were married.

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