Funny S**T!!!!!

Author: Kanes

there was this guy from the "blocc" who always bragged about all the ass he got!! it started to get to the point where it was sounding like a lie how he was always get-n every "chicc" to sleep with him!!!!

well one night a friend of mine and i came up wit an idea to see if he was telling the truth!!! we decided to video tape him with this girl from around the way!!!! she was one of them do anything type "chiccz". she got some of her friends in on it and we set the whole thing up!!!

the night came and we were all ready to get it all on tape!! the problem was that by the time the night came, the whole hood heard about the set up and wanted to be there!! so what went from like 4 people knowing went to like 20 people knowing!!! we all had to hide in this little ass closet and keep quiet cuz the guy came early and we didn't have time to move em all out!!!! the "chiccz" put him on the bed and covered his eyes with a bandana. then the show was on!!! they did all kinda kinky s**t to him cuz they knew the camera was on!! they tied him up with a phone cord, pulled out the ranch dressing and stuck pencils up his ass, then twizlers, and anything else they could find!! we was all in the closet try-n to be quiet, "butt" b-4 they could really get him turned out one of the dudes in the closet fell out and exposed all of us!!!!

still tied up with a phone cord, dude got up and tried to run out the house!! pencil still in his ass and all!!!! he stumbled out the crib and into the street where he ran to his car!!!! at this time we are all bust-n up laugh-n "butt" we didn't know that he went to get his gun!!!!! he came "bacc" in the house with some sneakers on and some swim trunks and started point-n his gun at us!! everyone in the crib ran like bitches!! he even let off a couple of shots in the roof!!!! by this time i was down the street and hide-n in an alley!!!! the police came later that night "butt" everyone who had been there was long gone!!! the two "chiccz" that set up the thing with us never told on us and got in big trouble for the bullet holes in the roof. as for the tape, guess who still has it???? i won't mention no names...........


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