
Author: Artemisia

When I was immersed in the deepest hues of red with you,
I laid myself bare, vulnerable and open—
My throat exposed, not in fear,
But in a total surrender of my being to you.
I gave not just fragments, but my entire soul,
My breath syncing with yours,
My pulse dancing to the rhythm of your desires,
My very life, a willing tribute to your presence.

Liberation Through Sacrifice

Blood, the essence of my vitality,
Coursing through my veins, vibrant and alive—
Its spillage, though seeming a sacrifice,
Is the key to my liberation.
In its flow, my spirit finds ease,
Soaring without chains, transcending the mundane,
Without the anguish that often accompanies freedom.


Ignite me with the fervor of your fiery passion,
For in this blaze, I am transformed.
I become the pyre—a beacon of relentless yearning,
Fused to a singular, overpowering desire.
In this transformation, scarlet becomes more than color;
It becomes my essence, my very attire.

Intimate Connection

Penetrate the defenses of my skin,
The barriers that hold back the flood of raw emotion.
Anchor me firmly in the now—the present tense,
Where every sensation is magnified.
Our encounter, both exquisite and intense,
Draws us into a vortex of shared existence.
Here, in this confluence, we do not just meet—we merge,
Condensing into a single entity of shared breath and essence.

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