Me, Him and Jimmy

Author: dulken

I had never had a threesome before...or since. My boyfriend asked me what I wanted to do that night. I said I didn't care and he said, "Are you sure about that?" I asked him what he meant. We had been hanging out with a friend of his, Jimmy, for weeks. He told me that Jimmy wanted to come in and hang out with us and maybe fool around...the three of us. I was very nervous and shy and said only if they blindfolded me so that I couldn't see who was touching me. I also said they had to tie my hands to the bed post so that I felt like I had no control over what they did to me. They blindfolded me and tied my hands. They took turns rubbing my body and sucking my nipples...then they each sucked a nipple at the same time. It felt amazing. I was wetter and more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I made them untie my hands so I could particpate. Jimmy kissed me - I could tell by the way he did that it was him. He pulled my panties down and took off his clothes. My boyfriend watched as I began sucking Jimmy's cock. I sucked him until he came...all over my breasts. My boyfriend took off my blindfold and I could see that he was rock hard. He fucked me harder that night than I had ever been fucked before. It was amazing...especially since I knew Jimmy had gotten the camcorder and was filming us. Shortly after that we moved out of state and never saw or spoke to Jimmy again.
That was 4 years ago and I am eager to find the right couple or person to join us again.

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