My Fantasy

Author: jondoe2555

In our private sanctum, the bedroom, a bold idea blossoms. I meticulously screen five men—each meeting specific criteria of attractiveness, health, and demeanor—to join us for what is ostensibly an innocent game of poker at our home. However, each guest is subtly informed that the night might unfold quite differently.

The Arrival and the Game Begins

As the night commences, my wife, dressed in her most seductive attire, welcomes each participant at the door. Her welcoming smile, paired with a lingering glance at their crotches, sets the tone of anticipation. As we gather around the poker table, the cards are dealt, but the real game played is one of seduction and tease. My wife circulates, bending and brushing against our guests, igniting their deeper desires with each 'accidental' touch.

Escalation and Display

Mid-game, she retreats to the kitchen under the guise of fetching more snacks but drops something messy on the floor. As she bends over to clean, the deliberate absence of her panties offers a stunning view, raising the stakes of the evening. The air thickens with arousal as the men's excitement builds, barely contained.

The Seductive Clean-Up

Upon returning, she 'accidentally' spills on a guest's lap, seizing the opportunity to clean more than just the spill. With a glance my way for approval, she kneels and delicately handles the situation, her actions transitioning seamlessly into an erotic display. Her prowess with each man becomes more fervent, her techniques more audacious.

Climactic Finale

I join the fray, signaling the peak of our shared fantasy. She moves fluidly from one participant to the next, her enthusiasm unabated by the growing intensity. As each man reaches his zenith, the culmination is a symphony of pleasure, marking her visage with their satisfaction.

Conclusion and Invitation

As the evening winds down, I lovingly collect the remnants of their release, feeding them to her as a testament to her performance. She queries with eyes full of mischief and satisfaction, seeking my approval, which I give wholeheartedly. The night seals our bond, deepened through this elaborate escapade.

"Who else dares to turn this fantasy into reality?" the narrative concludes, an open invitation signed simply as 'John Doe'.

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