oh what a night!

Author: wildpair4

I had been working at the same company for about 1 yr and also leading a double life as a pri; dancer.only a few of the guys that i work with know about my other life and that was from them by chance showing up for one of these partys that i entertained at.u must under stand that i am a small lady 5'105 so most men are big to me ,but after being teased by one of these male co workers for 4 mo, strait i had gone and got a new tattoo on my lower pub; area and was at home having a few drinks after wards and just unwinding in my bra and panties and robe, when this certan co worker calls that hes comming by to drop off some paper work for me to do,told him that i was all ready in bed and he said would just take a min, (yea right!)
i opened the door in my robe and he started to smile!told him that i needed to put this paper work in my off; in my bed room. he followed me to the bed room and we sat down on the bed for him to explain the work i was to do when he looked at me and said that he hadent been able to forget me and the night that i danced at that party !
i smiled and told him that i was glad that he enjoyed that night and he asked me to let him give me a night to remember!
what could i say this guy was so hot that he made me wet just the thought and it was on!i stood up and droped my robe to the floor and he picked me up and i wraped my legs around his waist and we leaned against a wall and we were screwing so hard that we were act; make the wall move with each push!we went at it for an hr at least then he gently layed me down on the bed and started to lick me from the in side of my legs to my neck and stopping with long passionate kiss.
he then got on top of me and screwed me so hard that the bed was hitting the wall with each push i would hold him tighter pull his ass to me harder! i couldent hold back i had the most intense orgasam ive had sence 16!
while i was having org;he was kissing me passonatly and never mised a stroke in side me i stayed so hot when i finished i pushed him over on his back and got on top of him, i wanted more i sucked his rock hard dick till he was ready to blow then i sat on top of him and took him all the way he was squarming and pushing back up in to me as hard as he could all the while telling me how hot and beautiful i was i could tell he was as hot as i was.i got his hands and held them down as if i was pinning him to the bed and we both started to explode into each other he started to scream oh god yes you are so hot i could tell he was having a good orgasam and i got off again just knowing how hot i was makeing him to! after wards we layed on my bed for a while and had a drink when we finished he kissed me softly and said i will see u at work baby! i havent had a good sex match like that sence i was 16 and cant wait for next time!
till next time sandy!

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