our 1st time

Author: splinter8521

we went on our 1st holiday away together and met this english guy and started chatting, after much drink the chat started on sex and how much my girlfriend like to pleasure guys, when he suggested to going us if we wanted to, we declined bt later that night we talked about it and she told me she noticed his Hard on and so we decided that we were strong in our relationship and it wouldnt eftect it so we decided to give it a go.....and the following night i asked him if he was still up for it and he was....so we went back to the room and set down the geound rules that she was in control and that she was there to pleasure him while i pleasured her...it went down VERY well....she really enjoyed it and so did i...she wanted to do it again but not with anyone we knew....she here we are...lol

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