Our first couples experience (sort of)

Author: biwomenwtd

We weren't even married yet. Actually it was the day we bought her engagement ring. We went to an amusement park later that day. We saw a couple in front of us at one of the water rides and started chatting with them. We found out that they were from out of state celebrating their 5th anniversary. She was a fiery redhead with a little extra padding. After spending most of the day with them we decided to show them a night out. After dinner we caught a movie and from there decided we would go back to our place and shoot the breeze. A few screw drivers later the women decided to get it started. While the women were enjoying dinner on HWY 69, he went into the bathroom and passed out. By then she was to horney to even consider stopping.
We all got pampered by each other and I was in seventh heaven with 2 women letting me do whatever came to mind while they did the same. We finally got him up and moving around 7am and filled him in on all that he missed. We all swore we would get together and do it again only as a foursome next time. Unfortunately it has yet to come to pass but the memories will always be there thanks to polaroid. :p

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