Playing in a Bar

Author: WildAlliecatPair

This is a story I posted in another location. Yes it did all happy at the club.

Well as those that had been reading our blogs know that a few months back finally had the proverbial bi-cherry popped with a very sexy young lady. While I would love to play with her again there are limitations and such. But we are getting to know each other and become friends. Hoping to meet up with some other ladies at the meet and greet as well as other couples.(and as of yet haven't~pouts) We've been putting out messages, winks, and the like with couples and females but have been getting more responses from single males or guys just lookin' to get a piece on the side without their wives knowledge. That kinda really doesn't fly to well with us.

Hence the reason we're were hopin' to make it to the get together that night in town. He was going nuts due to "Aunt Flow" visiting that past week and to make sure that I could play that night without the visitor he hadn't been getting his daily "action". Good news was looked like the aunt had finally flown the proverbial coop..WOOOHOOO....But we waited and saw how that night went. Loved experimenting a bit more with some of the other females that went that night.

Had been having more and more erotic dreams of late as well. ~chuckles~Told a friend about them and she was wanting me to go back to sleep and finish one of the most recent dreams.

I dont remember alot about the dream but that night I made all of what I'm about to put up come true and I still have the thong to prove it.

I do know that we were at the club that the meet and greet is at tonight. And I took one of the ladies that was there into the bathroom with me. In my purse had a double bullet and some lubricant. So I took the woman with me into the handicap stall and pushed up her skirt and pushed to the side the little thong she was wearing... covering both the bullets with the lube I went after her clit as I slide one bullet into her pussy and the other into her ass slowly.

Because of the location the sound was muted almost completely and the music in the club was loud enough to cover the rest of the humming as I turned the vibes slowly up to high. All the while I was still going after her clit every once in a while dipping my tongue into her tight box tasting each of her releases before going back to her clit. Teasing it flicking my tongue out over the tight bud and making the woman with me cum again and again until she was holding onto my shoulders to keep from falling to the ground. Everything was black and the music was completely muted to her ears. The only thing she could actually concentrate on was me going after her clit with my tongue and fingers and the vibes speeding up and slowing down in her ass and pussy.

Then when I was sure she was nice and unsteady I would carefully remove the bullets and lick her pussy nice and clean then clean the bullets and put them back into my purse before taking her hand and wrapping my arm about her waist and walking out of the bathroom to rejoin the group we were with.

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