sex on the beach

Author: honeyshell6969

my wife and i went with some friends camping to the beach. it was a normal beach day, then that night we sat around the camp fire drinking, yes, hard aolchol. our male friend doesnt drink so we left him responable for our children. right there, by the fire, infront of our friends my wife put her hand down my pants and grabed a handfull of cock. we were pretty well lit by then, so we sat there for awhile, with her stroking my cock. finally i chuldnt take it much more so i pulled one of her tits out of her loose shirt and began to suck on it. that didnt last long, and we were hand in hand on our way to the sandy beach. by the time we were out of everyones site we were naked, and her on her back in the sand. i was imeditally inside hwe hot, wet pussy. she is a screamer, and a squirter, so it wasnt long before passersby kenw exactually what was happening. that didnt stop us, i just pounded that sweet pussy even more. after we foundout that beach sex isnt always the best idea, we had sand in places that proved quit uncomfortable. and to this day, we still dont know what happened to our underware. i hope a passerby picked them up, and enjoyed their wettness and smell. i am hoping to once again get drunk enough to forget about the sand, and give another performance.

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