the first time i had a 3some

Author: supersexual

i was about 18yroand had been friends with this girl for about 5 years and i have know her boyfriend for just about the same i had al ready had both of his brothers so i thought what the hell whats one more she invited me in to there bed one night after we had watched a lot of porn and smoked and drank way to much so i was not shy i ready for anything and evrything we started by sucking him off and then we were all kissing and then our hands and finger just got a mind of there own i never thought how much i liked licking pussy and fingering her over and over then i watched as her boy friend pot his fat cock in her tight ass just watching that made me want to cumthen as he fucked her she ate me like a fucking pro this was her first time my ass every since that night we have hocked up a couple more times after that

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