The Story Of Corie

Author: mwnfl

It was a serendipitous encounter late on a Friday evening. Having attempted and failed to ignite any romance at a friend's house, I found myself exasperated and seeking solace elsewhere. Fleeing the chaos and the consuming mess of drug-fueled cleaning, I shouted my farewells and hastily retreated, my supplies of cocaine in tow.

A Night of Possibilities

The night was young, and home did not beckon strongly enough, so I veered off my usual path toward my sister Kim’s residence in Wylie. It was just past 11:00 p.m. when I arrived, startlingly unannounced, and as I made my way towards the kitchen, I encountered an unexpected and delightful vision: Corie, a goddess incarnate with flowing blonde hair and an ample bosom, clad in the most charming pajamas. Our previous encounters had been pleasant, but seeing her there rekindled a spark I presumed extinguished for the evening.

Sparks Fly

Our meeting was sudden; as she exited the restroom, we collided, her body pressing against mine in an intoxicating embrace that sent a thrill through my body. Excusing myself, I dashed upstairs to indulge in the remnants of my earlier escapade, hoping to recalibrate my mood with a few sharp intakes of the white powder. Afterward, I sauntered back to the kitchen, grabbing a beer, though alcohol was the last thing I needed after my ordeal with the vodka.

A Moment Alone

Stepping out to the garage for a cigarette, I found Corie once again. Her beauty, accentuated by the dim light and a few drinks, seemed even more striking than before. We engaged in casual conversation, flirted over a game of ping pong, which I nonchalantly let her win. Soon, Kim declared her night over, leaving us to our own devices in the quiet of the living room.

A Deepening Connection

Seated provocatively on the couch, Corie's intelligence and the ease of our conversation were as alluring as her physical appearance. As we talked, our proximity grew, leading to tender kisses that tasted of promise and perfume—a scent that seemed to pull me closer with a nearly visible force. Despite the rising tension, she hesitated when I moved to deepen our embrace, reminding me gently of her dignity.

A Night to Remember

Yet, the combined effects of the night's indulgences overpowered my restraint. Taking her hand, I led her upstairs, her protests mild and unconvincing against my determination. In the privacy of the dimly lit bedroom, her resistance waned, and soon, we were lost in an exploration of newfound intimacy. Her body was a revelation under my hands, and our kisses grew fervent, fueled by mutual desire.

Dawn of a New Beginning

We made love until the dawn, each moment more intense than the last, until exhaustion claimed us. As morning light filtered through the blinds, she expressed worry over my sister's reaction, but I reassured her, promising to handle any fallout. In that early morning light, our connection was sealed with a soft kiss and an exchange of contact information—a link to a future I was determined to pursue.

A Future Together

Driving home, my thoughts lingered on Corie and the profound intimacy we shared. Nine and a half years have since passed, and our bond has only deepened, blessed with a beautiful daughter who mirrors her mother’s grace. My love for Corie remains undiminished, a constant in my life that continues to inspire and fulfill me.

Yours truly,

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