Threesome in Las Vegas

Author: NetoSV

One very good friend of ours once took us on a road trip to Vegas, we had a blast, it got late and we stayed in a Motel 6 room, we had talked before of having someone else on our bed, and when we were alone we talked about it and were very curious but not sure.
We slept and before sunrise I woke up and so did he, we talked a while, and I confessed him what my wife and I had been thinking, she woke up too. We started slow, but as the heat and the heartbeats grew, we ended up having a fantastic threesome.

A few months later we had another one, this time with a friend of hers, she was inexperienced but enjoyed it soooo much, Although she didn磘 told her husband and is a bit shy to do it again.

So here we are, adventourus as ever, and now we want to share with a couple who neither of us know, and would love to do it without guilt or regrets.

Are you up for it?...

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