Unexpected Surprise

Author: theTCat

The elevator, reminiscent of the 1950s, made a clunky journey upwards, revealing its age despite the modern facade of the building. As it reached the top, the rear door slid open with a mechanical "poong," marking her arrival at the building's highest floor.

Mysterious Feelings in the Hallway

Stepping into the alcove, she immediately felt a wave of lightheadedness as she turned the corner into the long hallway. This sensation, both familiar and unsettling, was something she couldn't explain, though he had also mentioned experiencing it before. Shaking off the feeling, she continued down the corridor.

A Quiet Corridor Awaits

The hallway was unusually quiet today, with most of the doors firmly shut. The only exception was his office at the end of the hall, where the door stood open, sunlight streaming through and illuminating the freshly laid, glue-scented carpet.

An Intriguing Office Visit

She approached his office, a playful idea forming as she peered around the doorframe. "Hey honey, you ready to go to lunch?" she asked with a mischievous grin. He looked up, momentarily distracted from his work, and smiled in acknowledgment.

Office Encounters

Inside, the office was a tranquil sanctuary. She admired the plants thriving on the windowsill, although a bromeliad was unfortunately past saving. He finished his work as she fetched water for the plants, her mind replaying the unexpected arousal sparked by a glimpse of his nipple through his shirt earlier.

An Idea Blossoms

As she watered the plants, their small talk revealed that they were alone on the floor—everyone else was out. This serendipity emboldened her, and her casual inquiry about the team's whereabouts confirmed they had complete privacy. The playful atmosphere turned charged with anticipation.

Intimacy Ignites

Her flirtation escalated as her hand ventured to his thigh, tracing the outline of his growing arousal. His work forgotten, he was now fully attuned to her advances. Their eyes met, sharing a look of mutual desire and understanding that the office would soon become their intimate playground.

A Sudden Disruption

Just as their encounter reached a peak, the shrill ring of the telephone cut through the tension. He awkwardly answered, trying to maintain composure while she adjusted her attire, her expression teasing what could continue later. After he hung up, she whispered, "Tonight," signaling the promise of unfinished business as they finally headed out to lunch.

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