was that all just a dream??

Author: cyndyllnbob

After one too many cocktails at our party, things got a little crazy. We had been playing from room to room that night, and I woke up in our guest room with the boy toy, as my girlfriends and I referred to him. I suddenly realized my head wasn’t laying on my pillow. Instead, I was drooling down the inside of his thigh. I very slowly lifted my head about an inch, just long enough to realize where I was. A rock-hard muscle under my left cheek indicated I had been there all night. My eyes scanned the surroundings: before me lay two very sexy, masculine thighs, a flat belly, and some serious chest muscles at play.

A Tempting Awakening

Even as he slept, his muscles clenched and danced as I ran my fingertips over them. Here he was, built for sex—no strings, just mouth-watering sex. I couldn’t help but caress him and those sexy muscles. He would wake soon and figure me out. So for the moment, I just wanted to touch and arouse him, to play with him. Slowly, I slid my hands feather-like all across his very sexy body. He moaned in his sleep, his hips moving instinctively toward my touch.

Don’t wake him just yet, I thought, dipping my head to his belly. Lightly, ever so lightly, I moved down his stomach. Mmmmmm. The tip of his cock glistened with cum from the night before and whoever he was dreaming about, but it was there for me to taste. I wanted nothing from this man except the pleasure he could give me in the moment. Let him sleep, I thought. Time for the rough stuff later (which he is sooo very good at). Let him feel me, my tongue, my lips wrapped around him. I wanted to suck every bit of him into my mouth while he slept, to let him feel how it’s supposed to be, that moment between sleep and awake, that slice of awareness when we aren’t sure if it's a dream or not.

The Slow Seduction

I slid him into my mouth inch by inch, engulfing his cock so slowly he thought he was still dreaming. Further down on him I went, licking, sucking, loving, lapping, and fucking him all with my mouth. Absorbing, tasting, drinking every glistening drop from the end of his cock. He didn't get wild; he just moved to the beat of my tongue, slightly pulsing and pushing for more.

I gave him my mouth, gently running my hands across his beautiful body. He responded to me in sweet, dreamy sleep. He grew even bigger and stronger in my mouth, under my tongue. He stirred. I still didn't want to wake him, so ever so slowly, I continued to be gentle, just sucking and licking. Until he was moving beneath me, picking up my rhythm.

The Climax

His cock was swelling, and he was getting ready to explode. He thrust once and shoved himself even deeper into my mouth than I could imagine. I opened wider and found room for him there, letting him go, swallowing him whole, down to the very depth of my throat. Sucking him, drinking every drop, like a person thirsty for the taste of his cum. He shuddered and moaned, releasing himself into my waiting mouth, and I drank my fill. As soon as it began, it was over. He rolled over onto his beautiful belly, and I slid out of the covers, wiping the corner of my mouth, and slipped away.

The Aftermath

He never did ask, but he woke up grinning and was still smiling when he came downstairs. He asked when the next party would be and if I could reserve a special spot on the guest list for him. I still see him from time to time, and he smiles like he has a secret whenever he gets near me. But he never did ask, and I never did tell. I think he still wonders... Was that all just a dream?

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