Couple in burleson, texas

Hi, we are a married couple looking to add some spice to the bedroom. We are both DDF. We are looking for someone(s) to let loose and enjoy some time with. If your interested message us, we'd love to hear from you. .

Mrs. is the most experienced in the lifestyle. She has done threesomes, orgies, and toy play with others. Mr had had a threesome but is still discovering what he likes. A fantasy that Mrs. has that she hasn't done is double penetration. Mr. has a few things he hasn't done and will develop more fantasies once he has more experience. .

We are looking for a couple that is clean, with realistic expectations upfront and honest. We love finding couples with some of the same interests. Mr. likes shooting, pc gaming, saltwater enthusiast. Mrs. likes reading, hiking, hanging out having a few drinks and talking and having a good time. We are looking for someone(s) who are straightforward with what they are looking for. Some of the things we are looking for and are into are, massage, oral, soft swap and full swap, toy play, threesomes and orgies. Mrs. is bi and more dominate in the relationship. We are not into BDSM and Dom and Sub relationships .

We are not looking for people to jerk our chain and waste out time. We understand that chemistry plays a huge role in this lifestyle, if your not feeling it, just let us know. But if you are please be blunt ( Mr. doesn't know how to take hints lol) .

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