Man in seattle, washington

Hi there, I'm Daniel! I'm new to this site, and lifestyle. I'm I am 28 years old, divorced, and due to my upbringing very inexperienced when it comes to dating and Sex. I'm a fast learner though 馃槣. I'm very open minded and I am looking to go on a sexual journey, I loved a pretty sheltered life until recently and now I want to experience what the world has to offer. I can be adventurous, but I'm also a homebody. I'm an Artist so I like my alone time, but I'm always happy for a night out with friends and loved ones. Only good vibes here! I'm kind and genuine, and I want to meet new people, passions and maybe one day, real love. I'm an open book who is probably more direct than is strictly required so ask me anything.

I'm looking for people who are positive and happy, who take care of themselves and are willing to have deep conversations with me about meaningful things. Don't talk to me about politics or gossip or Famous people. Tell me about your dreams, and what your doing to achieve them! Sex positivie with a high sex drive, fun, humorous, open minded and relaxed.

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