Enjoy having fun with others

I don't take life to seriously though, I mean I do, if you truly didn't take it seriously you would probably be apt to start walking off of bridges and stuff like that or thinking real life frogger on 400 seems like a fun idea. People who strive on drama really piss me off so I choose not to let them participate in my life as well as people who think that their material assets put them higher on the food chain. Look, I'm just a guy who wants to get out and meet people. I am financially and emotionally secure enough to do that. Is having sex with every person I contact or contacts me my main goal? No. It really doesn't have to be that complicated. I'm at a place in my life where I want a social life and people to do stuff with. I have that witty dry sense of humor that some people just don't get. If you do, then I'd love to hear from you. I may not have the body of Adonis or the looks of (insert whatever movie star you can't do without here) but I have the honesty, humor, wit, compassion, self preservation and that ever elusive common sense that makes up for all of it. If you're still reading this I applaud you and look forward to hearing from you. .

They tend to be limited, but as I get older my sexual drive and interests grow. Cuckold situations interest me, femdom as well. Bukkake is something I would like to participate in as well. I think it tend to lean more to the submissive side, but the idea of either role appeals to me.

Fun, outgoing couples and singles looking to have a good time.

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